Creative, Culture

Unfashioned Creatures: Manchester Met artist in residency at Wigan STEAM

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Manchester Metropolitan University student and artist Keith Bloody Mary imagines a post-human world in a collage-based exhibition produced during a residency at Wigan STEAM.

Keith Bloody Mary, also known as Alice Thickett, pieces together work relating to biology, genetics, and mutations with a humorous twist.

Keith said: “I’ve been working as an artist since I graduated from a Fine Art degree in 2010. During the last five years I have used photo-collage as my medium of choice, cutting images from magazines and pasting them together by hand, in the kind of way that would make Dr Frankenstein proud!”

Keith has also conducted workshops at Wigan STEAM, in which participants explored the art of collage and contributed to a collaborative zine.

“I’ve hosted two collage workshops and participants made work, which I combined into a zine to giveaway at the exhibition at the end of the residency. I also made an interactive board for people to make their own collages on while they were in the space.”

Keith, who is currently in the final stages of completing her Masters in Visual Culture at Manchester Met, explained how the residency has contributed to her University portfolio.

“It has been a great opportunity for me to make work that was on the theme of my dissertation, and it also meant that I could test out my work before the MA show!”

Wigan STEAM is a participatory arts organisation providing learning opportunities, workshops, and exhibitions for young people to explore science, engineering, technology and mathematics through creative activities.

Unfashioned Creatures runs until the 1st September at Wigan STEAM. For more information visit and follow @keithbloodymary.

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aAh! Magazine is Manchester Metropolitan University's arts and culture magazine.

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