
Creative Submission: ‘Vigour’ by Lucy Warburton

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Featured Illustration: Georgia Harmey
Design: Lisa Silva

A blaze runs through her 

Eyes of fire 

Passion. That’s the word.


I can feel the force of her 

Pushing for more

Needing more

She’ll get it

I know she will

She will do anything to cross that finish line

To reach above the clouds

And grasp her dreams


She needs this

And every single part of her will make sure she gets it

“Blood, sweat and tears”

That’s what they say

It’s much more than that

So much more

It’s her whole being

She will chase


She will achieve

How do I know?

Because she is me.

And all my energy goes into

The chase. The dream. The drive. 

Every single drop.

They say it’s all luck

I say it’s all vigour

About the author / 

Lucy Warburton

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