Literature, News

Creative Writing: Call for submissions – GIVING

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Featured image: Olivia Boileau

It is the time for giving. Which means it is also the time for receiving. A gift, under the right circumstances, can become more than a simple exchange. As a token of intimacy or just friendly acknowledgement, it can affect the receiver so intensely as to alter the shape of their day, their week, perhaps even their lives. Most importantly, however, is the fact that the gift requires that you give back, to someone in some form, in return. 

Have you received a gift in the form of a line from a poem, or a short story, and felt the urge to give something back afterwards in the form of a creative response? Perhaps you’ve taken a line from a poem and made it the first line of your own? However another’s work has affected you, we want you to send us your ‘after’ works, literary pieces directly inspired by another person’s work. This other person can be anyone, and this ‘after’ piece can be in any form. Poetry, flash-fiction, creative essay – as long as it’s a gesture of indebtedness. 

All submissions should be a maximum of 1,500 words. To send us your submission, please email with the subject line ‘Creative Submission’. Deadline for submissions is 23rd December.

Alka Tiwari and Samuel Rye,

The Creative Editors, aAh! Magazine.

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aAh! Magazine is Manchester Metropolitan University's arts and culture magazine.

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