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Creative Writing: Call for submissions – RELATIONSHIPS

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Human existence is akin to togetherness marked by association with people, other forms of life and nature. We are wired with invisible bonds of relationships, and our emotions and feelings determine how we behave with ourselves and others. Relationships are the magical yarns that weave and interlock us with family, friends, environment, plants, animals, food, objects and even our souls and bodies. In the absence of this glue of relationship, everything will fall apart and drift to nothingness. 

Descartes once said, “Cogito, ergo sum – I think, therefore I am.” 

I would like to borrow his idea and improvise to say, “I relate, therefore I am.” 

Even if you deny any external relationship, you still have a relationship with yourself.

Love/Hate/Attached/Detached/Indifferent! What forms of relationship give your day-to-day life meaning? How would you define your relationship with family, friends, water, plants, animals, food or your body? These can be relations that are full of happiness or marked by the subtler complexities that a relationship could generate.

On this note, we invite you all to send us your creative pieces on this diverse theme of ‘RELATIONSHIPS’. They could be in any form and style as per your relationship with your expression. Pour your heart in pure forms of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction or go wild creating hybrid babies of prose-poetry or poetical-prose. We will be delighted to see your explorations on the intricacies of connections 🙂

All work will be considered for online publication. All submissions should be a maximum of 1,500 words in a Word document. Please email us your submission pieces with the subject line ‘RELATIONSHIPS Creative Submission’ to The deadline for submissions is 21 November 2021.

Alka Tiwari and Samuel Rye,

The Creative Editors, aAh! Magazine.

About the author / 


aAh! Magazine is Manchester Metropolitan University's arts and culture magazine.

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