Creative, News

Creative Writing: Call for Submissions – The Other – aAh! Magazine

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Original illustration by Olivia Boileau.

Due to the restrictions of the pandemic, we have been spending more time alone than ever. Whether studying online or working from home, it has become easier to be lost in ourselves and married to our own perspectives.

To encourage disruption of this phenomenon, The aAh Magazine challenges you to explore writing from the alternate perspective of the “Other.” However, there is a twist! The “Other” in question cannot be human. Animals, Birds, objects, elements, and even body parts, are all possible perspectives you can choose from to write. You may explore this theme through fiction/poetry/creative non-fiction.

All submissions should be a maximum of 1,500 words. To send us your creative pieces for publication, please email at with the subject line ‘Creative Submission.’ The deadline for submissions is 20 June, 2022.

Creative Team,

aAh! Magazine.

About the author / 

Esther Roberts

MFA Creative Writing / Editor / Consumer of Media

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