Manchester, News

BREAKING: Face-to-Face Teaching at Manchester Met Will End Immediately

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Face-to-face teaching at Manchester Metropolitan University will end immediately, it has been confirmed, following Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s latest Coronavirus advice.

As of Monday 16th March, all face-to-face teaching will end at the University due to the spread of Covid-19.

The University is preparing to roll out online teaching in the meantime.

News regarding an alternative to exams will be released tomorrow, Manchester Met has said, however, the campus and its accommodation will remain open.

Students are being asked to check Moodle for updates from tutors.

Manchester Met Vice-Chancellor Professor Malcolm Press, shared an online statement today:

“Following the Prime Minister’s statement this evening, I would like to update you on actions we will now take at Manchester Metropolitan University.

“First, please let me assure you that the University remains open, including University accommodation.

“We will accelerate our plans to move teaching online and will stop face-to-face teaching immediately. Many of our courses are now ready to be delivered online. Some may take a few days more to prepare. Please check Moodle for updates from your tutors.

“We will do our best to keep workshops, labs and the Library open, depending on staff availability.

“We are now planning alternatives to our normal assessment processes, particularly examinations. We will provide a further update tomorrow.”

The announcement comes after Prime Minister Boris Johnson rolled in stricter measures across the UK today to combat the spread of Covid-19, including the limit of “non-essential” contact with others after the death toll from the virus in the country hit 55.

For more information regarding coronavirus at MMU, visit a Student Hub, contact them online or call: 0161 247 1000.

The university’s FAQ on Student Life is also updated daily. If you have specific concerns about infection, you should call NHS 111.

About the author / 

Ben Townsend

Don't panic.

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