Culture, Entertainment, Fashion, Manchester

IFFTI fashion conference comes to MMU

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By Brontë Schiltz

The International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes (IFFTI) will come to Manchester Metropolitan University this month for their annual conference. This year, the theme is “FASHION: ID”.

The organisers explain: “FASHION: ID is a limitless proposition that has been designed to challenge, interrogate and stimulate, rather than mapping the limits to current (or even future) fashion identity.”

Manchester Fashion Institute (MFI) based at Manchester Met are a longstanding affiliate of IFFTI, and from the 8th – 12th April, they will be welcoming members from all over the world to Manchester for a celebration of fashion innovation.

The conference will open with keynotes from four key speakers:
Katie Greenyer, Creative Talent and Network Director of the Pentland group; Cheddar Gorgeous, renowened drag artist; Caryn Franklin, former ID magazine editor; and Chris Breward, director of the National Gallery.

This will be followed, over the next few days, by numerous events, including exhibitions and conference papers, identity workshops, a drag and draw workshop taught by Professor Melanie Reim from FIT, New York, featuring Cheddar Gorgeous, and, to close the event, a fashion show, featuring work from both leading designers and MFI students.

The event promises to be a magnificent experience for anyone interested in fashion. For more information, head over to the MFI website.

About the author / 

Bronte Schiltz

Bronte Schiltz is studying MA English Studies: The Gothic at Manchester Metropolitan University and is interested in music, politics and literature.

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