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‘Fables: Legends In Exile’ By Bill Willingham Book Review

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Source www.flickeringmyth.com

By Joanna Shaw

In an attempt to start reading more graphic novels, I was drawn to Fables, not just because of the plot and the beautifully detailed illustrations. The publisher Vertigo has a great reputation for publishing best-selling graphic novels such as Alan Moore’s V for Vendetta.

Fables follow well known fairy-tale and classic characters that live among the regular population of New York; Snow White is the director of operations in Fabletown dealing with everyday occurrences within her community. When Snow White’s sister Rose Red disappears under suspicious (and possibly murderous) circumstances it is up to Snow and Bigby (the big bad wolf) to solve the case before the Fabletown community falls apart. In my opinion this is an interesting take on the more adult versions of fairy-tales. Taking influence from the darkness of the original Grimm brothers’ tales, with some humorous elements such as Beauty and the Beast needing marriage counselling and Bigby’s guilt of blowing down two pigs houses resulting with him living with the third pig Colin. One clever representation of the twist on tradition is that Prince Charming is actually a womanising cheat; his antics hold a key aspect to the plot’s reveal at the end.

I enjoyed this first installment of Fables though I believe that the plot was a little predictable, but I will certainly be carrying on the series and would encourage anyone with an interest in more mature versions of classic stories to try this.

I give Fables 3 out of 5.

Joanna Shaw is a second year English and Film Student and loves nothing more than a good book. Follow her on twitter @booklifereads


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