• Entertainment, Manchester

    Manchester band New Luna release debut EP

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    Humanity Hallows Issue 4 Out Now! Pick up your copy on campus or read online By Jacqueline Grima Manchester based alternative rock band New Luna will be releasing their debut EP this week with an event at the Fallow Café in Fallowfield. The EP follows the release of the band’s single ‘Noise’. Formed in early…

  • Manchester, News

    Shortlist announced for 2016 Manchester Writing Competition

    0 202

    Humanity Hallows Issue 4 Out Now! Pick up your copy on campus or read online. By Jacqueline Grima The Manchester Writing School has announced the shortlist of the 2016 Manchester Writing Competition. The competition, aiming to seek out the best new creative writing from across the world, has awarded over £115,000 to its Fiction and…

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aAh! is Manchester Metropolitan University's official arts and culture student magazine.