
Recipe: Quick and easy Blueberry and Lemon Muffins

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Featured image: Alleksana

Back with another sweet recipe, lifestyle editor Megan O’Sullivan dishes up a grab on the go blueberry and lemon muffin recipe.

Being a student can be busy and it can feel that we are constantly on the go. These sweet Blueberry and Lemon muffins are a great snack for any time of the day. The blueberries will act as one of your 5-a-day, providing you with some much-needed energy as blueberries contain vitamin C.

This inexpensive recipe is quick and easy, which is a great way to use leftover ingredients such as eggs and blueberries. Follow this easy recipe for an inexpensive treat.

Blueberry and Lemon Muffins
(Makes 10)


  • Large mixing bowl
  • Wooden spoon
  • Scales
  • Cupcake tin or baking tin
  • Butter knife
  • Cupcake cases or baking parchment
  • Spatula
  • Grater
  • Metal spoon


  • 150g butter
  • 150g caster sugar
  • 150g self-raising flour
  • 3 large eggs
  • Splash of vanilla extract
  • 1 punnet of blueberries (200g approx.)
  • 1 lemon


  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and line a cupcake tray with cupcake cases. If you don’t have a cupcake tray, line a baking tin with parchment paper.
  • Firstly, add the butter and sugar to a large mixing bowl. Mix with a wooden spoon until the butter and sugar is smooth and combined.
  • Then, crack the eggs into the bowl and mix in with the butter mixture.
  • Next, add the self-raising flour and stir until the muffin batter is smooth and lump-free.
  • Grate the lemon into the batter and then toss in the blueberries. Mix until they are evenly distributed.
  • With a metal spoon, add 2 even scoops of the mixture into each of the cupcake cases. If you are using a baking tin pour all of the mixture into the tin. Place in the oven for approximately 12-16 minutes or until a knife comes out of the muffins clean, with no batter on. If you are using a baking tin cook in the oven for 25-30 minutes.
  • Finally leave to cool for 20 minutes before enjoying. (image)

If you want to mix things up, consider sprinkling a small amount of brown sugar on top to make your muffins sweeter or swap out blueberries for any fruit that takes you fancy – chunks of apple work well.

These muffins can be stored in an airtight container for up to a week or frozen for up to a month.

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About the author / 

Megan O'Sullivan

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