
Ask aAh!: I’m going into my final year of study in September and I’m worried about next steps

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I’m going into my final year of study in September and I’m worried about next steps. I have a part-time job that isn’t related to my area of study, but it does pay more than starting at the bottom of the career path I’m on. What should I do next? 


We feel you on this one! Working part-time to cover the bills, while striving to make real progress in our careers is tough. We all want to feel like we’re moving forward and career-related anxiety among students is common, so you’re not alone. 

We spoke to Careers Advisor Rob Bracey, who says: “There is certainly nothing wrong with needing to prioritise better paid work as a student. We as a careers service would never endorse putting yourself at risk financially, especially considering the current economic climate.

“Remember as well of all the transferrable skills you are gaining from a part-time job such as teamwork, time management, resilience, and professionalism. And that’s just to name a few!”

Bracey encourages us to celebrate the win of having an idea of where we want to be in the first instance. “To be honest, being sure of your career path coming into your final year is a genuine achievement, even if there are obstacles for you. A positive action you can take is to research the skills you need for your long-term career and focus on developing those for when you finish university. If, like many reading this, you are unsure of your career options then now is the time to explore this,” he adds.

Bracey also highlights some of the schemes you could look into to support you to try different paths such as the shorter-term paid internships via the Rise programme and MMU Volunteering – both of which could help boost your CV.

“I appreciate it is easier said than done, but prioritisation and time management is key,” says Bracey. “Remember you are not alone as the careers service is here to help. We are here to offer you advice through our various digital resources and through our great faculty career teams.”

Have a dilemma that’s bugging you? A problem that just won’t budge? Life as a student can spring up all kinds of difficulties. Fear not, we are here to help. Get in touch and ask aAh!

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aAh! Magazine is Manchester Metropolitan University's arts and culture magazine.

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