News, Politics

‘New IRA’ Claim Responsibility For Letter Bombs

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By Ben Thompson

In recent weeks, a number of letter bombs have been located around Britain. Three were found in London transport hubs such as Waterloo railway station, Heathrow Airport and London City Airport. The fourth was found in the army recruitment office at Glasgow University.

At the time, it was speculated that the explosive devices were the work of Irish Republican terrorists – the parcels were adorned with Republic of Ireland stamps.

An Irish security source said “violent dissident republicans” were the most likely source of the explosive devices, pointing to previous letter bomb attacks on targets in Britain and Northern Ireland in 2013 and 2014.

The IRA haven’t launched an attack in England since 2001, so it’s felt by experts on terrorism that these letter bombs are ‘a cheap way of causing terror across the Irish sea’.

It’s now being reported that the group behind these actvities have branded themselves ‘the new IRA’. Most of their activity seems focused around Derry, where a car-bomb was detonated in January.

According to the Irish Post, the ‘New IRA’ have been carrying out campaigns of violence across Ireland, killing three people so far. The issue of Brexit has seemingly spurred them on.

The Metropolitan Police and Scotland Yard have warned post offices to be vigilant as a fifth device remains at large.

About the author / 

Ben Thompson

Modern History student. Mostly writes about politics and social issues.

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