
US Supreme Court partly reinstates Trump’s travel ban

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By Hassan Irshad

On Monday, Donald Trump celebrated the US Supreme Court’s decision to lift elements of the lower court’s orders blocking his travel ban. In a statement following the decision, he said: “As president, I cannot allow people into our country to do us harm… Today’s ruling allows me to use an important tool for protecting our Nation’s homeland.”

The supreme court ruled that foreign nations without bona fide “family relations or those without placements at American educational institutions” would be denied entry into the country. What constitutes as a ‘bona fide relationship’ is clarified in an article by the BBC, which states:

“The ruling clarifies that those who would be deemed to have such a relationship would include a foreign national who wishes to enter the US to live with or visit a family member, a student at an American university, an employee of a US company, or a lecturer invited to address an American audience.”

The ban applies to six majority Muslim countries: Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, which was said to be implemented within 72 hours of the ruling. The Supreme Court agreed to a hearing in October, where the legality of the ban would be discussed.

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