Humanity Hallows Issue 6 Out Now
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By Rachel Cook
Photography by Jacob Lea
[Re-] was an exhibition created by five upcoming artists from the Manchester School of Art, staged on 28th April at Apex Self Storage center in Hulme, Manchester. The artwork was based on the theme of re-presenting an object or thought as something different, something other than what it is in its original form. The collection of work they created led them to the realisation that our world is not compartmentalised but multifaceted, “oscillating between philosophies, practices and experiences” which added even more depth and intrigue to the art on display.
The exhibition was curated in a way that had visitors in constant surprise and awe, as there were so many elements to experience “visually, sonically and tactically.” When viewers first walked in, they could hear the sound from Jack Rientoul’s videos, and, further down the narrow corridor, the audio began to fade and give way to Eye Suriyanon’s sound piece, thus merging the two together. The students’ artwork featured a variety of mediums, including light, sound, paper, code and video, which expressed the distinct, broad range of talent these artists have.
It was interesting to see how the artists had curated their work in a way that focused on the audience’s interaction and engagement. For example, they explained that Suriyanon’s sculpture was moved back and forth by the audience and they interacted with the pitch of the audio throughout the duration of the evening. Also the different elevations of Rufus Biddle’s books, displayed only partly open, provoked the audience to get involved by exploring in order to see the work. Overall, the incredible level of detail and thought gone into these projects encouraged visitors to really immerse themselves in the artwork rather than just looking at it, which made for a unique and exciting style of exhibition. These factors, along with the lively atmosphere, contributed to an entertaining experience filled with great talent.
Artists: Rufus Biddle, Georgina Maynard, Jack Rientoul, Martha Shaw, Eye Suriyanon

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