
Preview: Mac DeMarco @ Manchester Academy – Saturday 25th November

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By Cass Hyde
Photography: Coley Brown

Mac DeMarco heads to Manchester on Saturday 25th November to play a sold-out show at Manchester Academy. With his eclectic mix of wild stage high jinks and perfectly executed yacht rock, this is a show not to be missed!

Mac DeMarco has always set himself up as a goofball. With his trademark sound of jangled guitars and irrelevant lyrics, dubbed by Mac as “Jizz Jazz”, Mac DeMarco has been an indie darling since the debut of his first full-length album, 2.

Featuring modern classics, such as ‘Ode To Viceroy’, ‘Cooking Up Something Good’ and ‘Freaking Out In The Neighbourhood’, 2 sets Mac up as a lovable, cartoon character to win over audiences worldwide.

Yet, that’s not all he’s is meant to be. Moving away from songs about absolute nothing, which 2 wore as a badge of honour, his second album, Salad Days, strikes a balance between the goofy and the more serious. While songs such as the title track, ‘Salad Days’ are more lighthearted, the album features three songs focusing on his long-time girlfriend. The album was met with critical acclaim.

If 2 kicked off his career, then Salad Days launched him into the stratosphere. Playing shows and festivals all over the globe, Mac Demarco quickly became known for his chaotic capers onstage. A perfect example comes from Primavera Sound earlier this year. With his drummer playing naked and members of the band Whitney sitting shirtless on the floor, playing bongos, Mac downed  a bottle of Jameson and started lighting his body hair on fire. All the while delivering a stellar set.

Releasing his third full length album, This Old Dog, earlier this year, it is his most mature release to date. Overlaying themes of family and success on top of jangle pop tracks, as seen on ‘This Old Dog’ and ‘On The Level’, the album is expected to feature on many ‘Best of 2017’ lists.

About the author / 

Cass Hyde

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