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Post-Crash Economics Society Conference 2017 coming to Manchester

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By Jacqueline Grima

Do you feel confused about recent political events and the impact they might have on you and the world at large? Wondering what all the fuss is about regarding Brexit and the election of Donald Trump? Worried about devolution? The environment? If so, the upcoming 2017 Manchester Post-Crash Economic Society Conference could be the event for you. The conference is hosted by students who aim to foster economic interest among their peers and the public, as well as to draw attention to recent concerns about political and economic events.

The conference will take place on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th March in the University Place building on the University of Manchester campus. Topics under discussion over the two days will include globalisation, or the effect of growing interdependence between nations and the consequences relating to economic policy, inequality and the growing importance of financial activities in sectors previously uninvolved within this area.

Also under discussion will be the environmental impact of contemporary economic policy and production processes, pluralism and the economic and social impact of devolution, looking in particular at the possible effect it will have on Manchester.

The hosts of the event will be hoping to actively engage the audience in a series of lively debates and panel discussions about the issues in hand in order to raise awareness among students about economic changes and their impact.

Student tickets cost £7 for a day or £10 for the whole weekend. Non-students will pay £7 for a day and £12 for the weekend. For more information and tickets, visit the Post Crash Economic Society Conference Facebook Page.

About the author / 

Jacqueline Grima

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