Creative, Review

Venom: For Frederick Tarr

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Humanity Hallows Issue 4 Out Now!
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By Aaron Lembo

Standing behind the rostrum he addresses the crowd.

The master of ceremonies declares the shibboleth:

this is not a comedy club, I repeat

this is not a comedy club, no heckling please;

a designated safe space, we only applaud and encourage…

whey-whey-hey-hey, herehere, herehere, glasses chink, raise.

A caucasian lad of slender build skips to the stage——

spits one of Yeezuz’s biggest hits, hahahehe, so brave…

the acapela rendition and shirt, which reads I want to be in you

makes a painter in the audience shudder; stroking his moustache

the artist whispers a comical critique to his companion…

shhshhshhshh, where’s your respect? Tut-tut, listen…

Ray J might have originally smashed, but Yeezy

wifey’d the silicon ass; of course he’s Jobs, Disney…

the staccato rhythm of the spoken words which follow

acts as a tommy-gun maiming those who lament meter.

The one who was reprimanded decides enough is enough——

descending down narrow stairs his fury blasts within a Vortex.

Aaron Lembo is currently studying for an MA in Creative Writing at Manchester Met. He was the joint recipient of the Bath Spa Poetry Award in 2016 and has had poems published in Erbacce, Obsessed with Pipework and Domestic Cherry. He is one of eleven poets from across the country who has been selected to take part in the Composers and Poets strand of Leeds Lieder Festival in 2017. 

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