Marvel’s series of Netflix shows have been dominating both the ratings and viewing figures since their debut in July 2015. With Daredevil preparing to release its third season, Jessica Jones its second, and Luke Cage and Iron Fist debut seasons on the way, it was no surprise that we were recently treated to some previews at San Diego Comic-con.
Fans of the shows will be happy to hear that three new trailers were revealed including a Defenders teaser trailer. The Defenders will see all four of Marvel’s Netflix characters come together for one final season, wrapping up the overarching storylines that have been running through each individual show.
The first trailer revealed was for Luke Cage, which is due for release on September 30th. The hero of the show is an African American former convict with unbreakable skin trying to right the past wrongs he’s committed in his life. The storyline is expected to be hugely culturally relevant, especially in the wake of the #blacklivesmatter movement, and large numbers of police shootings targeting black individuals.
The next trailer was for the Iron Fist series, which will be the last of the four characters to make a screen debut. It follows Danny Rand, played by Finn Jones, of Game of Thrones’ Loras Tyrell fame. The actual storyline of the show is still up for debate even after the teaser trailer, although if Netflix continue to follow the comic book origin stories that they largely have so far, we will see soon Danny Rand become ‘Iron Fist: The Living Weapon’, through martial arts training and some mystical help that we wouldn’t want to spoil before the series was released.
The final trailer was for The Defenders, which will see all four individual characters come together to fight to save New York. The teaser trailer pretty much reveals what that threat is, but if you’re still catching up on Daredevil, we wouldn’t want to spoil either of those fantastic seasons.
Are the next three Marvel Netflix shows shaping up how you expected? Let us know at @Humanityhallows and @Holmesblogs
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