Entertainment, Review

Review: One More Time With Feeling – Nick Cave

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By Alice Denison

Nick Cave’s music career spans 36 years, his successes including bands The Birthday Party and Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, a hit solo career and many movie soundtracks composed with fellow Bad Seed Warren Ellis. One More Time With Feeling, a documentary that follows the creation of the Bad Seed’s 16th studio album Skeleton Tree, was shown recently at HOME, Manchester.

After the death of his 15-year-old son Arthur in an accidental cliff fall in July 2015, Cave responded with a deeply revealing and heart wrenching album and the documentary presented an insight into the recording process, showing the band’s strong relationship and also their amazing creativity.

As well as this slant on their work, the film also showed Cave and his family trying to cope with Arthur’s death. Their grief was to such an extent that they didn’t say Arthur’s name until about half way through and also referred to his death as ‘the event’. Seeing the stern faces of Cave and his wife Susie Bick crack upon mention of Arthur’s name and ‘the event’ is shockingly and intensely emotional.  Cave revealed how many people told him his son lives on in his heart but he disagrees. He said that Arthur has a place in his heart but doesn’t live anymore.

One More Time With Feeling is an intensely emotional film that can be challenging to watch but I strongly recommend. By the time the credits rolled, there was hardly a dry eye in the room, the film only made more harrowing by the use of a home recording of Arthur and his twin brother Earl singing together.

The documentary, directed by Andrew Dominick, will be released on DVD on 3rd March 2017.

For more information about events at HOME, Manchester, visit the venue’s website.

About the author / 

Alice Denison

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