
Fashion in film: 500 Days of Summer

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By Simran Kaur Takhi

Cinematography and fashion have a history of working in perfect unison. From Audrey Hepburn’s fabulously feminine billowed dresses to Marylyn Monroe’s more sultry, figure-hugging choices, fashion in film has evolved over decades and inspired countless wardrobes.zoey de 2

Here at Humanity Hallows, we are taking a look at the most iconic style moments to hit the big screen, whether this be from the swinging 60s or the present day. We are starting with Zooey Deschanel’s character in 500 Days of Summer.

The film sees Zooey Deschanel play the character of Summer Finn who can be described as timid and gentle, yet with a whimsical quality and her clothes serve as a visual representation of this.

zoey de 3Throughout the film, Summer’s clothing is dominated by pretty pastels and these neutral tones create a sense of innocence – highlighting her angelic quality. Her wardrobe is dominated by cap sleeves, long length floaty dresses and simple blouses – all of which give a very elegant appearance.

What we love most about Summer’s outfits is how, with their light colours, ruffled sleeves and lined buttons – they can be said to be very doll-like but, at the same time, flirty and playful.

Not only does Summer’s wardrobe incorporate elegance, playfulness and Disney princess-esque elements, she also combines smart with chic. A crisp collared shirt, an elegant blouse, a smart pair of trousers are always paired with something else to give outfit another edge.zoey de 4

For example, in the image to the right, one can see a very office like paring of a smart blouse with plain trousers but Summer being Summer, she also dons a beige waistcoat, adding a touch of glamour to an  otherwise conservative look. In other words, the versatility of this character’s wardrobe, as is the case with many iconic movie roles, very much reflects the versatility of Summer’s personality.

Do you have a favourite film character whose style you admire? If so, then we would love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to humanityhallows.editor@gmail.com




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