
Fancy A Burger? Try Making Your Own

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By Jacqueline Grima

Huge gourmet burgers are becoming increasingly popular with today’s foodies, with many of Manchester’s restaurants, like Gourmet Burger Kitchen and the Handmade Burger Co. now offering a vast array of beef, pork or chicken varieties. Think Hawaiian double-deckers with slices of bacon and pineapple, Hunters’ Chicken Burgers with cheese and barbeque sauce or even burgers topped with avocado and your mouth will soon be watering!

If you are coming to the end of your student loan, however, restaurant burgers can often be way beyond a student’s meagre budget so, with the barbeque season quickly approaching, what better way than to satisfy your burger cravings than with a cheap and tasty turkey burger that you can easily make from scratch at home? Not only do these burgers taste delicious and contribute to a healthy balanced diet, they also have a surprise in the middle!

Makes 4


500g minced turkey (either breast or thigh)

Half a brown onion, peeled and grated

1 eating apple, peeled and grated

1 egg yolk

4 small chunks of cheddar cheese

Salt and pepper to taste

Oil for greasing


Preheat oven to Gas Mark 6/200 C and generously grease a large baking tray with the oil

Place all the other ingredients apart from the cheese in a large bowl and combine well (best to get stuck in with your hands!)

Taking roughly a quarter of the mixture and one chunk of the cheese, shape the meat into a pattie around the cheese so that it is hidden in the middle and completely covered.

Place on the baking tray and bake for approx 30-40 minutes or until cooked through with no pink showing

Serve in wholemeal rolls, brioche buns or pitta breads with a large green salad and some potato or sweet potato wedges. Enjoy!

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aAh! Magazine is Manchester Metropolitan University's arts and culture magazine.

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