
Corbyn Faces no-confidence motion from majority of Labour MPs

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By Jack Holmes

Following last Thursday’s EU referendum vote, as well as the resignation of a number of Labour MPs, the party has now passed a vote of no confidence for Jeremy Corbyn. The vote came out at 172-40 in favour of Corbyn quitting his elected place as head of the party.

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell, on the other hand, said Mr Corbyn was “not going anywhere”, and accused his critics of attempting to “subvert democracy”.

The event that kick-started the turmoil within the Labour party was the sacking of Hilary Benn following the Labour leader’s defeat in the ‘Remain’ campaign of the EU referendum. In a show of support, Benn was followed by 19 other MPs.

Dave Sparks, a Councillor in Dudley and a former chair of the Local Government Association, warned that, if Corbyn stays, Labour would be wiped out completely.

He went on to comment that, if Labour does not change both its leader and its course, the party is looking at its support disappearing in England as it has melted away in Scotland.

The newly promoted Shadow Health Secretary Diane Abbott, said the no-confidence vote “has no meaning”.

Speaking today, she argued, “MPs don’t choose the leader of the Labour Party, the party does. The way to resolve this is to have a leadership election.”

During his house of commons speech today Corbyn addressed his critics: “Don’t let the media divide us; don’t let those people who wish us ill divide us. Stay together, strong and united, for the kind of world we want to live in.”

Do you think Jeremy Corbyn should step down from his position at the head of the Labour party? Or do you feel his left wing beliefs are going to return Labour to it’s routes? Send your thoughts to or join the debate at @HumanityHallows

About the author / 

Jack Holmes

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