Lifestyle, Manchester, News

Students Encouraged to get Involved with #GrantsNotLoans

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By Amber Hodson

Students of Manchester will be walking the streets on Sunday 4th October to support #GrantsNotLoans as the Conservative Party Conference takes place in the city.

The Union MMU and Manchester Students’ Union are joining forces with the NUS to march together as one against the government’s plans to turn maintenance grants into student loans. Students are encouraged to attend the event on Sunday, as well as a whole host of other activities and get-togethers held around Manchester during ‘National Week of Action’ from October 3rd – October 7th.

Participants during the week will include: Jeremy Corbyn MP, Frankie Boyle, Charlotte Church, Sam Fairbairn, Frances O’Grady, Len McCluskey, Mark Serwotka and more.

The organisers – The People’s Assembly – have listed all events happening during that week. Support from students across Manchester is welcome and the hope is that the Conservative Party listen to the voices of those concerned.

National Week of Action schedule

Image/s: The People’s Assembly

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aAh! Magazine is Manchester Metropolitan University's arts and culture magazine.

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