
Paris Shootings – The Silver Lining

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By Lucy Rogers

The News of the shooting in Paris shocked everyone. The so called ‘freedom of speech’ that we supposedly have has been persecuted during this attack. Something as lighthearted as satirical comedy has supposedly provoked a terrorist attack and as a result 12 people have paid the ultimate price. However, the single good thing, and, believe me, it is categorically the only good thing to come out of this monstrosity is the reaction of the Parisian people.

Whilst watching the story unfold on the news, what struck me most was the united front that the people of Paris demonstrated. It would have been easy for the French public to start violent protests against innocent Muslims (which has been seen to happen before, after such attacks). Instead, what happened was an emotional and humbling act of humanity. Crowds and crowds of people turned out in force to show their support and respect for the lives lost in the terrible attack. You need look no further than the BBC News comments page to find this out. One particularly heart warming comment paid homage to the courageous acts of police men and women all over the world who put their lives at risk every single day for the sake of the general public.

It is reassuring to know that almost every time the kind nature of humanity fails us and gives way to a horrendous attack, the strength of real humanity shines through and love and support flood in. This branched out further than France, as well. Publishers and journalists all over the world showed their defiance to the attack in the paper the following day, and people who gathered in Trafalgar Square in London for a rally showed their support by spontaneously singing the French national anthem. It’s unrealistic to wish for world peace and the like, but just by focusing on the good things at such hard times can help to minimise the effect that these terrorists wanted to achieve.

Lucy Rogers is in her first year studying English and Creative Writing at MMU. Read her personal blog, Freshly Unprepared, here.


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aAh! Magazine is Manchester Metropolitan University's arts and culture magazine.

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