
Call for Writers: Flash Fiction for Printed Magazine

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Hello again dearest readers.

This is a very special call for writers who would like to have their work printed in the Humanity Hallows Print Magazine.

We would like to publish 10 pieces of flash fiction, with no restrictions on genre or content. It can be about anything you would like – let your imagination go wild.

The only catch is: every submission must be 7 lines long.

We will be publishing exactly 70 lines of flash fiction in the number 70 edition of the magazine.

Any pieces not chosen will go through the usual process and be posted here on the website. The deadline for entries for the print magazine is next Monday the 9th of November, so get writing.

Good luck, and please send your piece to remembering to include your student ID number with your submission, as well as a short third person bio to feature at the bottom of your piece.

We very much look forward to receiving work from all of you so please do get writing. That clock is ticking.

Until the next time,

                                                Team Luctus.


About the author / 


aAh! Magazine is Manchester Metropolitan University's arts and culture magazine.

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