Entertainment, News

The Entertainment Team Wants You!

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Humanity Hallows Ents is a team of people, dedicated to talking about entertainment. Fairly self-explanatory right? We want articles on movies, plays, art exhibitions, video games, books, gigs, comedy and whatever else entertaining. We are a team consisting of Sojourner McKenzie, Jess Carruthers, Olivia Wright, Eve Hebron and Alex Locke, all of whom would love to hear from you about the entertainment that you loved, hated, or found just plain mediocre.

Did you go see a gut-wrenching play? Did you go see a really good film? Did you play a video game that has just become your favourite game of all time? Write to us! We want to know about the things you like, and about the things that you didn’t like. We want a team of top reviewers to help us create articles for our section. If you fancy yourself the next Mark Kermode or just want to share your opinions on an entertainment event, drop us a review at humanityhallows.ents@gmail.com

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aAh! Magazine is Manchester Metropolitan University's arts and culture magazine.

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