
Flooding In South West, More Rain To Follow

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Overwhelmed Flood sign

Written by Justine Chamberlain

And the lead story again tonight
the Prime Minister chaired another
COBRA meeting today to discuss

the flooding crisis across the South
West of England. The order came to
send hand-pumps out to all residents

and foot pumps to all livestock. Critics
warn not enough has been done and the
solution lies in soaking up the

flood waters with extra absorbent
heavy flow sanitary towels (front
bench Tories missing the joke). Others

insist used five pound notes have enough
absorbency in them to clear the
Somerset levels of water by

2015 and that it could lead
to droughts. Residents say their lives have
been ruined, homes and businesses lost

due to the rivers not being dredged
following budget cuts. Ministers
with second homes past Dawlish agree.

Justine Chamberlain is a masters student in the MMU Writing School, specialising in poetry. Her blog can be found here and you can follow her on twitter @justineswriting

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aAh! Magazine is Manchester Metropolitan University's arts and culture magazine.

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