
Who has the best buns?

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It’s almost that time of year again! With Red Nose day fast approaching, avid bakers across the UK have been donning their aprons and beating their batters into an array of mouth-watering delights!

The Great Comic Relief Bake Off may be over, but that hasn’t stopped Manchester Metropolitan University from jumping on the bandwagon and holding a bake sale of their own. Anyone can enter, so students and tutors alike will take to their kitchens in a bid to determine who has the best buns.

The battle will commence in the Geoffrey Manton atrium at 11am on Tuesday 12th March. So bring your cakes, pies, cookies, and any other goodies you can rustle up, and help to raise £250 for a good cause!

Entries will be judged on scorecards by each person who buys a treat and once the goods are gone and the votes are counted, one lucky baker will receive 2 tickets to the Manchester Cake and Bake Show 2013, which takes place between the 5th-7th April.

For more information and to see the terms and conditions please email

It’s a piece of cake!

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aAh! Magazine is Manchester Metropolitan University's arts and culture magazine.

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