
#HumanityHallowsMCR: WIN £100 Voucher with Student Photography Competition

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Featured image: Assan Begimov

Are you a Manchester Met student and photography enthusiast? Do you love the city of Manchester as much as we do? If so, then this is the competition for you!

Humanity Hallows, Manchester Met’s student magazine, is running a photography competition with the theme of ‘Manchester’.

To take advantage of this fantastic opportunity tag your image on FacebookTwitter or Instagram with @HumanityHallows#HumanityHallowsMCR and email us at with a high resolution version and your contact details.

Please also include a brief description of your photograph (including the date and location), and your full name, student ID number, course and telephone number.

Ten shortlisted images will then be shared via our Humanity Hallows Facebook and Twitter pages for the winner to be decided by a social media vote.

The Humanity Hallows student photography competition closes on Friday 5th January, 2018 and the winner will be announced in the Spring issue of Humanity Hallows magazine. Get snapping!


Selected images will be printed in publications and journals hosted by Humanity Hallows and may appear in electronic format on the Humanity Hallows website, or in other electronic forms. The copyright in each image submitted remains with the author. Entrants are deemed to grant to Humanity Hallows a non-exclusive, worldwide licence over each entry submitted for the duration of the Competition and for publicity purposes (including in print and electronic publications) thereafter.


“The Humanity Hallows Student Photography Competition” will award one prize: £100 Amazon voucher to the winner.


Queries should be sent to Humanity Hallows magazine:

Judging and Selection

A judging panel will select a short-list of entrants which will then be put to a social media vote to select the winners. The judges’ shortlist decisions are final, and no correspondence about their decisions will be entered into.

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Terms and Conditions

The Humanity Hallows Student Photography Competition: The Humanity Hallows Student Photography Competition 2018 (the “Competition”) is organised by the Manchester Metropolitan University’s (“Manchester Met”) Student Media Team.

The Competition is open to current Manchester Met students who are not excluded by these Rules. Members of the Manchester Met Student Media Team not part of the judging panel are also eligible to enter.

We reserve the right to reuse any images submitted across the Humanity Hallows platforms, but the photographer will be receive full credit.

The deadline for entries is 5pm (UK time) on Friday 5th January, 2018. Entries received after this deadline will not be considered.

Entrants may submit up to five images, but each portfolio must be submitted as a separate entry with a separate entry email.

All work submitted for consideration must be the entrant’s own work.

Entries will be accepted only via the email. Submission via other means (e.g. social media) will also need to emailed to

All entries will be assigned an ID number and made anonymous upon receipt. Judges will not be privy to entrants’ names during judging processes. Names will be reattributed to entries only after the shortlisted entries have been decided.

Humanity Hallows reserves the right to disqualify any entry if it has reasonable grounds to believe that the entrant has breached any of these Rules, or made a false declaration on the entry form.

Humanity Hallows cannot accept any responsibility for any damage, loss, injury or disappointment suffered by any entrant entering the Competition.

Humanity Hallows will act in accordance with current UK data protection legislation in relation to your personal data.

The Competition and Rules will be governed by English Law and any dispute will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Humanity Hallows reserves the right to amend these Rules where it is deemed necessary to do so or where circumstances are beyond Humanity Hallows’ control. Any changes to the Rules will be posted on the Humanity Hallows website.

Submission of an entry will be deemed to imply unqualified acceptance of the Competition’s Rules. In the event of any dispute regarding these Rules or any other matter relating to the Competition, the decision of Humanity Hallows shall be final and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into.

About the author / 

Humanity Hallows

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