Overall, Gravity is an extremely entertaining film, including riveting action, tension, romance, and an impressive performance from Sandra Bullock. It is a rare film which manages to include everything an audience would want from the perfect blockbuster: likeable characters, awe-inspiring CGI, a fast-paced, thrilling story, and it delivers all of these masterfully. It is rare for a modern film to be difficult to categorize into a genre, but Gravity is certainly one of them. Part romance, part horror, part thriller and part science-fiction, the film is an incredibly rewarding and memorable experience. If you choose to see the film, you should expect to go through an entire series of emotional states.
Alfonso Cuáron has you rooting for each character from the beginning up until the last minute. There will be times when you may feel compelled to cry, laugh, shout at the screen and jump out of your seat to cheer on the characters, but one thing is certain – you will leave the cinema feeling enriched.
Frazer MacDonald is an aspiring screenwriter/actor, and has recently developed an interest in Journalism. He is studying English and Creative Writing at MMU, and is an avid film fan.
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