• Film, Review

    Review: Spider-Man Homecoming

    0 109

    Humanity Hallows Issue 6 Out Now Pick up your copy on campus or read online By Hassan Irshad After going through five big screen adaptions with two previous actors, the Spidey suit has finally been passed down to Tom Holland, who had previously donned it in Captain America: Civil War, and now in his own…

  • News

    Germany votes to legalise same sex marriage

    0 105

      Humanity Hallows Issue 6 Out Now Pick up your copy on campus or read online By Hassan Irshad Germany’s parliament has voted to legalise same-sex marriage, following a decision by Angela Merkel to allow a free vote on the issue, which she announced on June 26th. Merkel, despite her reputation as an “increasingly influential…

  • Lifestyle

    Study shows that smartphones distract even when they’re off

    0 155

    Humanity Hallows Issue 6 Out Now Pick up your copy on campus or read online By Hassan Irshad The negative effect of smartphones on concentration is observable, affirmed by a study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas. The Times reported that, according to the study, “Just having a smartphone on your desk, even…

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aAh! is Manchester Metropolitan University's official arts and culture student magazine.