
Who’s Got the Best Buns? MMU Bake Sale Goes Down a Treat!

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Manchester Metropolitan University Bake Off, Tuesday 12th March, Geoffrey Manton Building

Words by Kate Butler

It’s that time of year again! With Red Nose Day upon us, avid bakers across the UK have been donning their aprons and beating their batters into an array of mouth-watering delights!
The Great Comic Relief Bake Off may be over, but that didn’t stop MMU from jumping on the bandwagon and holding a bake sale of their own.

MMU Comic Relief Bake Sale- 12/03/2013 from Jason Cooke on Vimeo.

Staff and students alike made an overwhelming effort for the battle, which commenced on Tuesday in the Geoffrey Manton atrium. The tables were piled high with delicious cakes, biscuits, muffins, cookies, flapjacks, tarts and brownies and it was not long before the majority of treats had been gobbled up by sweet-toothed passers-by. 

Each entry was judged on scorecards by each person who bought a treat and today the votes were counted. The results are extremely close. First prize, which is 2 tickets to the Manchester Cake and Bake Show, went to HLSS Programme Administrator Kath Daly, for her outstanding banana and apricot muffins, receiving an impressive 95/100. These were closely followed by team effort, ‘The Kate’s’, aka MA Multimedia Journalism student Kate Butler and History of Art third year student, Kate Vandor, for their pistachio macaroons, which received a score of 94/100. Third place went to Appeals and Complaints student administrator, Katherine Thornton, for her quirky raspberry flavoured Red Nose Day cake lollipops, which scored 93.75/100.  

Exactly £457 was raised on the day, a staggering amount of money considering that the goal was to raise just £250, making this event… a piece of cake!

Organisers Jason Cooke and Sophie Chivers would like to thank everyone who got involved, be it bakers or donators, and due to its remarkable success, there may very well be another event like it in the pipeline, so watch this space! 

Once a country girl, now a city dweller – Kate Butler is an avid adventurer, aspiring food and travel writer, equestrian enthusiast, coffee lover and pudding fiend.
Kate currently studies a Masters in Multimedia Journalism at MMU

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aAh! Magazine is Manchester Metropolitan University's arts and culture magazine.

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