
Creative writing call for online submissions – Authenticity 

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Featured Image: Kaitlyn Brockley

Welcome all! Starting university or returning can be a daunting time, full of pressures to do everything at once, expectations to be the ‘ideal’ student or flatmate, the general stress of figuring yourself out. So, at aAh! Magazine we have chosen ‘Authenticity’ as our creative writing theme of the month, allowing you some creative licence to run wild on the page.

Did you feel different from everyone at a party? Have a bad interview? Really felt you’d experienced a genuine moment in all its glittery goodness? Maybe you’re thinking of writing a prose poem about identity, or a coming-of-age short story. Or perhaps you’d like to write a creative response to a show or exhibition you went to that really did (or didn’t) speak to you? We welcome all forms of creative writing, such as lyric essay, creative non-fiction, flash fiction, visual poetry, be experimental, blend styles and genres.

Creative Writing Guidelines

We are accepting any form of creative writing responding to the theme of AUTHENTICITY. Be inventive! Submissions should be a maximum of 1500 words, and we allow a maximum of three pieces of poetry, or one piece of creative fiction/nonfiction per submission.

Featured Artists Guidelines

We’re spotlighting visual artists – fine artists, illustrators, photographers, graphic designers, filmmakers. Submit up to ten images (or one film) of work which responds to the theme AUTHENTICITY.

We want to see a diverse array of interpretations, and artists are invited to submit work in a variety of mediums, including painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, photography, textile, mixed-media, digital, performance and film.

Submit your visual art in a digital format in the highest possible resolution (not below 300 dpi).

Visual Guidelines

Featured Artists’ work may also be published alongside creative prose, poetry and other artwork exploring the theme AUTHENTICITY. We aim to curate a thought provoking, critical and creative selection of writing and artwork.

To submit, email your entry to with the subject line ‘Authenticity Creative Submission’. Deadline: 20th January, 2025.

About the author / 

Anita Slater

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