Lifestyle, Manchester, Review

Jigtalk: The dating app that puts personality before looks

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By Andrew Deyes

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, dating apps are more popular than ever. Humanity Hallows checks out newly launched dating app, Jigtalk, that aims to take on the giants of the dating app world and bring a whole new concept to easy access dating.

Featuring the tagline ‘talk first, photo second’, Jigtalk presents the idea of getting to know someone before finding out what they look like. Users then have to gauge their interest in someone based on personality and common interests rather than looks, with a part of the user’s profile image remaining covered by jigsaw pieces.

The purpose of the app is to let your personality lead. Once users have been matched with someone, they go on to answer four icebreaker questions, with each message removing one jigsaw piece at a time as their profile photo is slowly revealed. It’s a tough balance though, as no matter how much people say that looks do not matter, there’s no getting away from that fact that lots of people base first impressions on physical appearances. Getting to know someone is all part of the fun, but for some, it might be difficult to be enthusiastic about talking to someone when they have little idea of what the other person looks like.

However, for single people who think personality is key, Jigtalk is well worth checking out. The app is young, fresh and innovative and, once it gains enough members and momentum, could definitely be a worthwhile way to put an end to those pizza-for-one evenings.

For more information, search the app store or visit

About the author / 

Andrew Deyes

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