
Graduates Enjoy Their Day In The Sun

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Words & Videos By Neil Harrison

Photographs By Jason Cooke & Bethan Grant

Manchester’s latest graduates celebrated in the sunshine – following their end of year ceremony at a packed Bridgewater Hall.
In spite of the heat, humanities students from Manchester Metropolitan University wore caps and gowns to receive their accolades in front of proud family and friends, before heading back to MMU’s Business School for a well-deserved champagne reception and prize-giving ceremony.
Video: James Draper, of MMU’s English Department, congratulates recent Humanities graduates and explains the importance of the work done by the faculty.

Dr. Aidan Arrowsmith, also of the university’s English department, addressed the successful graduates in attendance directly, adding,
“I wanted to say how hugely impressed myself and my colleagues are with how hard you have all worked to get to where you are today. Some of you have put in super-human efforts, it’s really quite inspiring for us.”
The day also saw veteran journalist and T.V. Presenter, Dame Joan Bakewell, return to her home town to receive an honorary Doctorate of Letters from MMU. She said,
“I have great memories of catching the bus into Manchester form Stockport to visit the Central Library or the Free Trade Hall. To see, today, one of the great cities of 19th Century Europe flourishing once again is wonderful.”
Video: Photographs from MMU’s Humanities Class of 2013 Graduation

For more information visit

Neil Harrison is studying Social History at Manchester Metropolitan University. He is an aspiring journalist and a terrible guitar player. Read his blog LooseRiver and follow him on Twitter @LooseRiver

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aAh! Magazine is Manchester Metropolitan University's arts and culture magazine.

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